
Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics: The Rise and Development of Reformed Orthodoxy; Volume 4: The Triunity of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

Volume Four, The Triunity of God, examines the doctrine of the Trinity, including unity and distinction in the Trinity as they were understood in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and addresses the deity and person of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

concerning the form and method of scholastic system. On the one hand, it assumes that the comparatively greater space allotted to the doctrine of the essence and attributes of God is a sign of its greater importance to the system. Quite to the contrary, extent of exposition is not a sign of importance or lack thereof—instead, the extent of any discussion in a scholastic system is primarily a function of the number of parts or divisions of a topic and of the ease or difficulty of the argument. The
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